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Date: March 28, 2019

Big data Analytic and Visualization

The dashboard below was developed through Elastic open source software using the Seoul metro passenger flow data in 2014.

Data visualization has been important in democratizing data and analytics and making data-driven insights available to workers throughout an organization. Data visualization also plays an important role in big data and advanced analytics projects. As a transportation field accumulated massive troves of data during the early years of the big data trend, they needed a way to quickly and easily get an overview of their data. Visualization tools were a natural fit.

Visualization is central to advanced analytics for similar reasons. When advanced predictive analytics or machine learning algorithms are available, it becomes important to visualize the outputs to monitor results and ensure that models are performing as intended. This is because visualizations of complex algorithms are generally easier to interpret than numerical outputs.
In TUPA, we utilized one of the strongest searching engines called Elasticsearch to make this visualization works. The flowchart below shows the process to deal with big data and visualize it.

For more detailed information please contact our TUPA members below;
Xu Yanping, [email protected]
Cheng Lyu, [email protected]

SLAM with Autonomous vehicle using AI

We utilized TurtleBot3 which adopts ROBOTIS smart actuator Dynamixel for driving.

TurtleBot3 is a ROS-based mobile robot. We customized it to reconstruct the mechanical parts and use optional parts such as the computer and sensor. SLAMNavigation and Manipulation, makes it to build a map and can drive around the room. Also, it can be controlled remotely from a laptop, joypad or Android-based smart phone.

The project allows the robot to detect the lane(s) and obstacles to avoid. Various algorithms such as SLAM, CNN, LSTM and OpenManipulator are embedded in the robot to make better robot behavior.

The following video demonstrates the navigation function.

For more detailed information please contact our TUPA members below;
Taeho Oh, [email protected]
Xu Bicheng, [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research International Travel Award

Big congrats for Wenhua’s  Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research International Travel Award!! Wenhua will visit Prof. Haris Koutsopoulos’s group at Northwest university, the US for 6 months.