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Author: INHI KIM (page 4 of 19)

Hyuncheol Park Award


Hyuncheol was awarded by the Korean Society of Transportation for being a graduate with excellent academic performance in the field of transportation engineering and a promising future.

KAIST 원격제어기술 협력 MOU체결

카이스트 친환경스마트자동차연구센터와 한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI) 과학기술연구망센터 와 (주) 토렌토시스템즈와 (주) 이모션은 카이스트 문지캠퍼스 내 또는 외 장소에서 자율주행 테스트베드 구축 및 자율주행 기술개발을 위하여 상호협력에 관한 MOU를 맺었습니다. 

TUPA in TRB2024

UAE UAS Visits

The guest from the American University of Sharjah has come to KAIST. They came to collaborate on research and education in the field of mobility. TUPA has provided a briefing on the content related to our department. I hope that our collaboration will continue to develop in the future.

Startup Idea Contest

Transport group holds the 1st startup idea contest. 

  • Winner: A prize of Won 1,000,000: Dongmin Lee
  • Runner: A prize of Won 500,000: Yichan
  • 3rd: A prize of Won 200,000: Yiping

Year End Eve Party

Deep Mobility Consortium

Deep Mobility ConsortiumDeep Mobility has been successfully made today with Daejeon City and many high-tech companies.

The Daejeon city mayor and president of KAIST attended to celebrate this event.

KAIST Q-Day Faculty Special Awards


Dr. Nicole Chen, Prof. Kitae Jang, and I as one team won the KAIST Q-Day Faculty Special Awards in the internationalization category in 2023.

KAIST confers special awards to faculty members who have contributed to creating a campus atmosphere that welcomes questions under the QAIST new culture strategy, and with outstanding achievements in creative education/research.

Tupa Fall Picnic

TRIPS competition award


TUPA researchers Kim Min, Baek Songmi, and Dr. Chun Kyunghoon have won the Traffic Research Society Chairman’s Award at the ‘2023 Metropolitan Area Transportation Innovation Competition,’ sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Metropolitan Area Transportation Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), and jointly organized by the Railway Research Institute and the Korean Society of Transportation.

The prize money is 1.5 million won.

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