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Author: INHI KIM (page 6 of 18)

Inhi joins KAIST

Dr. Inhi Kim was appointed as an associate professor at KASIT on 1st Jan 2023. TUPA keeps leveraging research capacity and bringing great social benefit through education and research.

Acquisition of DRONE license

A big congrats on acquisition of drone licenses by TUPA members. Hyunsup and Jaehyuck become pilots of an ultra light vehicle!!


TUPA in the TRB 2023

A big congrats!!!

TUPA has 4 papers accepted by TRB 2023. This is a great achievement that our masters students finally make good research impacts. I hope TUPA doubles the research outcome next year!!!

  • TRBAM-23-02518, “Effects of Driver’s Braking Response by the Real-Time Pedestrian Scale Warning System” by Hyunchul Park, Taeho Oh, Inhi Kim
  • TRBAM-23-03949, “Robust Overtaking Behavior with Human Interaction in Multi-agent Driving Simulator Supported by Machine Learning” by Taeho Oh, Zhibin Li, Inhi Kim
  • TRBAM-23-00384, “Designing patrol ship routes based on multi data sources for marine environment” by Fatemeh Nourmohammadi, Zahra Nourmohammadi, Jinwoo Lee, Inhi Kim
  • TRBAM-23-02308, “Large-scale Network Imputation and Prediction of Traffic Volume based on Multi-source Data Collection System” by Donghyun Kwon, Changhee Lee, Inhi Kim

ITS World Congress 2022 in LA & LV & SC




40th Anniversary International Conference of the Korean Society of Transportation & 10th International Public Transportation Forum to commemorate the world-class “K-Transport”


Official homepage

ITS World Congress 2022 – Los Angeles

TUPA in LA!! 


  • Overtaking Maneuvers using Multi-Agent Systems on a Two-Lane Two-Way Road by Taeho Oh
  • An impact of vehicles in the platooning on the road network by Yegi Yoo
  • Validation of Spatial Orientation Skill using Virtual Reality Treadmill by Hyunchul Park
  • Large Scale Multi-source Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Attention Based Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks – LSTM by Donghyung Kwon

1ST place for KAKAO Mobility Data Competition

A big congrats!!!

Donghyun Kwon and Bo Wang(Swinburn University in Melbourne) won the 1st prize from Kakao mobility data competition held in the 40th Korean Transportation Conference in Seoul.

Media appearances below




Fatemeh won the best paper presentation at the 2022 Korean ITS Society Spring Conference with the research topic “Deajeon traffic accident clustering based on machine learning and deep learning”.

2022 Spring ITS conference




32회 과학기술우수논문상


한국과학기술단체 총연합회가 제정한 ‘제 32회 과학기술우수논문상’ 으로 정재은 석사과정 학생이 선정되었습니다. 

논문제목은 “GPS Trajectory data 기반 통행비용함수 보정방안”으로 정재은, 오태호, 김인희가 저자로 참여하였습니다. 

시상편수는 총 248편이다. ▲이학 34편 ▲공학 88편 ▲농수산학 41편 ▲보건 56편 ▲종합 29편입니다. 

정재은 학생은 이중 종합편에서 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다. 

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