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Data-driven approach for the practical transportation operation

Traffic volume imputation based on multi-source data collection system

  • Traffic detectors collect traffic data to understand the flow of traffic on a city scale, which can help build an efficient traffic management system or deliver useful traffic information to road users for better decision-making.
  • However, various types of missing data occur depending on the data management system and unexpected situations on the road. In the short term, we found that the gaps were hourly, but in the long term, they were monthly.
  • We propose a deep learning methodology based on a graph neural network that can simultaneously interpolate the missing values of a large amount of traffic detector data installed at the city level.
  • By applying an attention mechanism in the graph domain to cooperatively consider the spatial and temporal correlation of two different types of detectors, the model recovers the original traffic data with an error of less than 12 cars/5 minutes, regardless of the missing data rate.

→ The overall multi-source data aggregation process and imputation procedure


A deep spatio-temporal approach in maritime accident prediction
– Predicting the risk of maritime accidents is crucial for improving traffic surveillance and marine safety.

  • This study aims at investigating the application of deep learning in both short- and long-term predictions of different types of accident risks associated with small vessels by considering multiple influencing factors.
  • The results reveal that although the performance of the proposed deep spatiotemporal ocean accident prediction (DSTOAP) model varies according to grid sizes and time intervals, its accuracy (more than 78%) makes it reliable for predicting accidents.
  • Furthermore, although all types of accidents are captured with high accuracy, more than 84% of collision accidents can be predicted accurately.

→ The proposed DSTOAP architecture and prediction results for each grid size

Human factor safety

Interactive driving behavior in overtaking situation

  • Existing studies on overtaking behavior have only examined it from the perspective of the overtaking vehicle, with limited consideration for the risk level of the vehicle approaching from the opposite side.
  • The multiagent simulator helped collect a realistic overtaking driving dataset without compromising safety. The collected data was preprocessed using SMOTE_Tomek-based imbalanced data techniques to build a high-quality dataset and model human decision-making based on machine learning


Human Recognition based on ITS technology

  • Changes in drivers’ cognitive responses and driving behavior were observed when warning right-turning vehicles to improve pedestrian safety at intersections.
  • By considering human factors such as the driver’s pupil size, viewing position, braking, and acceleration, the points where changes in driving behavior were detected and differences in behavior based on the warning method were analyzed.


Pedestrian behavior

  • A pedestrian treadmill simulator is connected to the Metaverse simulator platform to calculate parameters for pedestrian height and stride length, ensuring reliable data collection for pedestrians.

Reinforcement Learning based signal optimization

Optimized Signal plan development

  • Develop an optimized traffic signal plan using the Neighbor Dueling Deep Q-Network (NDDQN) algorithm, which considers neighboring intersections.
  • The algorithm controls four neighboring intersections simultaneously by determining signal actions with the goal of reducing emissions as a reward.

NYU President Linda in KAIST



Teacher’s day

원희룡 국토교통부 장관 카이스트 방문

국토교통부는 16일 오전 카이스트 창업원에서 ‘제2회 국토교통부X스타트업 커피챗 시즌2’행사를 개최했다. 


Dr. Chunling Wu Faculty at Uni. of Western Australia


Dr. Chunliang Wu got a faculty offer from University of Western Australia located in Perth, a capital of West Australia. She will start her new career in Sept. 2023. 

The University of Western Australia is on of the Group of Eight as Australia’s most research intensive university a long with the University of Adelaide, the Australian National University, the University of MelbourneMonash UniversityUNSW Sydney, the University of Queensland, the University of Sydney 

This university is ranked at 90th in 2023 QS world University ranking.

Fatemeh joins UNSW for phd

Fatemeh will join UNSW (2023 QS ranking: 45)for her PhD. She will be supervised by my friend, Dr. Meead Saberi

We hope you enjoy the next journey and see you very soon!!

Lily Visits KAIST

Prof. Lily Elefteriadou from the University of Florida visited KAIST and delivered a talk about “Leveraging CAV Capabilities to Improve Traffic Operations”. 

Best paper award

At the Korea ITS conference, our members got the best paper award again.

Congratulations Jaehyuk Kim, Taeho Oh, and Hyuncheol Park.